Wednesday, July 13, 2011



GGJ II/216 = NRJC 5/58

[1] (The Lord): “Behold a grain of wheat! When placed in the Earth it must decay, and the tender sprout shoots forth only from the mildew of decay. What does this say in respect of man’s nature?
[2] Behold, the casting of healthy, lovely seed corresponds to man’s initial coming into being! It is like the incarnation of the more or less fully developed soul, whose pre-incarnal habitat is the air, particularly the middle elevation of the mountains, at the cessation of the wooded latitude, reaching to the snow or ice region.
[3] Once a fully assembled soul has reached its desired consistency in the atmosphere, it descends progressively to the altitude of human habitation, obtaining sustenance from the outer ethereal aura surrounding every human, and stays wherever it is attracted by the similarity of its being.
[4] In proximity to where spouses feel the urge to procreate, such a fully ripened and spouses resembling nature-soul, through a hint from its aura, or attracted by the increased power of the spouses’ auras, enters with some degree of compulsion during copulation into the man’s pro-creational stream and is placed into a small egg through it, this being referred to as fertilization. And behold, from there on, the life-soul resembles the grain of seed, and within the mother’s womb undergoes corresponding phases until birth into the world, as did the grain of seed is driving the sprout up to the surface!
[5] From thereon commence the sundry developmental phases, the interior after the exterior.
[6] With the plant the roots remain in the soil, within the mildew grave of the seed, drawing its material sustenance therefrom. This food however would soon bring death to the plant if not purified through the action of sunlight.
[7] The stalk’s first section still contains fairly dense fluids. Once this has developed as a base, the stalk is as it were tied off by a ring. Through this ring, much finer tubules then pass, capable of carrying only much thinner and finer liquids.
[8] From these, a second tier to the stalk emerges. As the fluids of the second tier are also still of a relatively material consistency and progressively so a second ring with still finer tubules is tied off, through which only very fine fluids can penetrate, for sustaining the life-spirit hovering above them, akin to Moses’ statement: ‘and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters’.
[9] With time, these juices or waters also become too coarse for the plant life moving above them capable of:? Smother in the life. And so a third ring with very fine tubules is tied off by the spirit moving above the waters. Through such third ring, only exceedingly ethereal fluids, with much effort are able to penetrate through to their now exceedingly homogeneous spirit moving above them. But the spirit is quite capable of discerning whether or not the juices above the third ring are fit for its further development. If it finds them too coarse after a time and hence containing still too many traces of judgment and death, a fourth, fifth, sixth and even seventh ring is tied, until the liquids are so ethereally pure as to show no further trace of death.
[10] Only then a step forward to a new stage occurs. The juice now passing through the microscopic tubules is formed into a bud and flower, provided with organs capable of impregnation with the lighter life from the heavens.
[11] After the flower has provided this service, it is cast off as ostentatious wisdom gaudiness, through whose beauty and stimulant it attracts the actual love-life ether, which in itself is everything and does not need any further outer gaudiness. For behold, every flower is a well-adorned bride, who ensnares the bridegroom with making herself up! Once the bridegroom can call her his own, however, the make-up is discarded, and humble seriousness of life commences.
[12] Only then does the true fruit of life begin to gather and develop itself. And if the action then focuses on the more complete ripening of the fruit, then life, having escaped all preceding hazards, fortifies itself as in a sturdy castle against any potential external enemy.
[13] Wherever life begins to develop and ripens too rapidly, it shall also have feeble consistency. And behold, wherever some external enemy approaches such premature fruit, it is too intensely attracted by it and, entering into a relationship with it, lays its fruit into the premature plant-life. This parasitic life then draws the tender plant-life unto itself, spoiling and destroying it. The resultant maggoty fruits are ample evidence thereof.

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