Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Different Type of Soil for Each Plant

Different Type of Soil for Each Plant

[3] One has different varieties of grain, like the smooth and bearded wheat, two- and four-line barley, the high grain, the oat, the big maize wheat; then you have the lentils, the vetches and different types of beans; and behold, these different types also always require a different soil, without which they could not grow. A certain variety of grain requires a firm clay ground, another also clay ground which however must always be properly fertilized otherwise the grain is not going to grow. Again another type of grain requires a loose and stony and another a sandy soil. Some types of grain require a moist and again another a dry ground. All this is taught to the people by experience.
GGJ II/205 [NRJC 5/47]

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